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AeroGarden Tabletop Hydroponic Garden


AeroGarden tabletop hydroponic growing system
These are small contained hydroponic gardens that automatically feed and water the plants, as well as turn grow lights off-on on a timer. There is no soil to make a mess. They are great for starting seeds, growing herb gardens or tomatoes indoors or growing salad greens year round. They can grow any seeds, but the seed kits from the company are easy and formulated for the system, and come with the correct pre-measured fertilizer. For more info check out the website
I have two gardens for sale, both are one generation older than the units currently selling on the website.
Garden #1 is most similar to the current AeroGarden 7. It is in good condition and is clean. It is about 7 years old (although admittedly not used for a large majority of that time), and has only run ~3 months since the pump and the light bulbs were replaced. I have added the grow-light booster (the mylar shade in pics). This unit is on the left in the PIC. I mainly used it as a herb garden, and it works great for that.
New units selling for $150, asking $50.
Garden #2 is most similar to the Current AeroGarden Ultra, which is the very tall garden and I was using it to grow tomatoes. It is just over 1 year old, and is in great condition. It does not have the touch-pad control that the current model does, but otherwise is very similar. I have added the grow-light booster to this one as well. It also has the max-grow lights, which have only run for 3 months.
I paid $250 for this, asking $125
Or, will take $150 for both.

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3697 Days ago

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AeroGarden Tabletop Hydroponic Garden
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